Wishing all a Subho Durga Puja. As we get into the festivities, I wonder about the qualities of Maa Durga that we find in new age women.

Devi Durga, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, symbolizes power, strength, and protection. Her various aspects and attributes can be seen in many women. These attributes are more relevant today than ever as women navigate multiple roles, responsibilities, and challenges.

Devi Durga is known as the embodiment of Shakti, the divine feminine power. She represents strength in both physical and mental forms. New age women often mirror this attribute in their everyday lives. Women display immense strength, whether managing a household, excelling in a career, or overcoming societal barriers. They handle multiple responsibilities and rise above challenges, demonstrating resilience. Like Maa Durga, they show that strength comes from within and can be harnessed in different ways.

Durga is often depicted slaying the buffalo demon Mahishasura, symbolizing the victory of good over evil. This act requires tremendous courage. On the same note, new age women show bravery in various aspects of life. Whether it's standing up against discrimination, abuse, or inequality, or taking bold steps in their personal or professional lives, courage defines them. Women today are increasingly speaking out against injustice and making their voices heard, just like Devi Durga.

While Ma Durga is fierce and powerful, she is also compassionate. She protects her devotees and nurtures them with care. In the women of recent times, this attribute is visible in their roles as caregivers, friends, mentors, and leaders. Women juggle nurturing relationships and careers, displaying both strength and compassion. Whether as mothers, partners, or colleagues, they show empathy and kindness, making the world a better place.

Durga’s determination in her battle against Mahishasura symbolizes relentless focus and purpose. New age women embody this by pursuing their goals despite challenges. In a world where women regularly face obstacles like gender bias or inequality, determination helps them achieve success. Whether in academics, careers, or personal growth, women today are more determined than ever to break barriers and prove their worth. They stay focused on their goals, much like the Devi in her quest to defeat evil.

Devi Durga’s multiple arms, each holding a different weapon or tool, symbolize her ability to perform many tasks simultaneously. Women are similarly multitaskers, handling various roles in society, at work, and home. They are daughters, wives, mothers, professionals, and leaders, often balancing these roles simultaneously. Women today must constantly adapt to different environments and responsibilities, managing their time and energy efficiently. Like Maa Durga, they achieve harmony despite the many demands of their time.

Ultimately, let us remind ourselves that Maa Durga embodies wisdom, awareness of the greater cosmic balance, and the need to restore harmony. Increasingly women also display wisdom through their knowledge, education, and understanding of the world. In many cases, they are at the forefront of movements for change, using their intelligence to advocate for progress in various fields, such as education, politics, and social justice. Women today are increasingly stepping into roles of leadership, where their wisdom plays a key part in decision-making and guiding others.

Despite all these, Devi Durga remains calm and composed, even in the heat of battle. She doesn’t lose her grace or poise. Women demonstrate this quality by staying calm and collected in difficult situations. Women often maintain a sense of grace when handling crises at home or work, ensuring they can think clearly and act effectively. Staying composed under pressure makes them strong leaders and reliable community pillars.

New age women embody duality, just like Devi Durga, who shows a balance between her fierce warrior form and her nurturing, gentle side. They can be strong and assertive when needed but also soft and nurturing. This balance is crucial as women navigate different environments. At work, they may need to be firm to ensure their voices are heard, while at home, they may take on a gentler and nurturing role. The ability to balance these qualities makes them versatile and capable.

Whether fighting personal battles, advocating for change, or balancing multiple roles, new age women draw on the same divine energy that Durga represents.

In many ways, every woman carries a piece of Devi Durga within herself.

 Growing up in India, I have always been exposed to the resilience and strength of women in every sphere of life. From mothers who balance household responsibilities and parenting to career women and leaders in various fields, I have seen and heard stories of numerous women who have risen to lead from the front.

In my view, women lead with strength, grace, and resilience, and this is redefining the concept of leadership in India. Women today are bringing change to offices and transforming the narrative of leadership at homes and in communities. This change sparks a ripple effect, motivating other women to join the league.  

One of the key aspects of women leading from the front is their ability to break stereotypes. As discussed earlier, they infuse new qualities such as empathy, collaboration, and innovation into their roles. As a result, women are stepping into the shoes of CEOs, scientists, doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs, bringing success to their respective industries.

Women leaders create pathways for future generations, inspiring them to dream big. Various mentorship programs offer young women leaders the guidance and support they need to advance their skills and fast-track their growth.

Women are gradually making their mark in every corner of India. From high offices to self-help groups, from rural entrepreneurs to environmental conservationists, the examples are endless. They remind me of the importance of taking initiative and building self-motivation, showing that women can and should lead from the front.

The emergence of women-leadership brings significant benefits to decision-making. Research reveals that their decisions can achieve better results. Further, prioritizing women's perspectives enriches the leadership landscape, paving the way for a more inclusive society.

India today is slowly but surely transforming. With their determination, women take initiative and lead from the front at all levels. Whether it’s rural entrepreneurs or high-profile business leaders, women are rising, and their progress is inspiring thousands of other women from future generations.

I’ve learned from watching women leaders that solidarity is their greatest strength. And I firmly believe such leaders will bring us tremendous positivity and growth.

As we approach the festive season, what better example can we have than Devi Durga taking the lead in defeating the tyrant Mahishasura, who was creating havoc in all three worlds?


Innovation is the driving force behind progress across industries. Across evolving industries, one undeniable fact is that women leaders are at the forefront of driving innovation. They increasingly have become the pioneer in innovation, breaking barriers and setting new standards.

Women leaders, with their unique leadership styles, perspectives, and modern viewpoints, are reshaping industries. Their commitment to social impact is a key factor in making these changes sustainable and effective. In India, women have demonstrated perseverance and leadership, inspiring others to lead and empowering them to stand on their own.

In this blog, I will explore the transformative role of women and the various initiatives that several organizations have implemented. These have enabled women to emerge as leaders, helping them contribute to the growth and success of diverse sectors.

Diversity is a powerful catalyst for leadership and innovation. With their fresh perspectives and problem-solving abilities, women enhance how challenges are addressed and lead to more innovative outcomes. Their focus on collaboration and varied perspectives drives innovation.

Women leaders often practice leadership styles that help boost innovation. Their empathetic approach creates a supportive workplace where team members not only feel motivated but are also appreciated. This encourages open communication and sharing of ideas, which are key to innovative thinking. With expertise and vision, they have led to innovative approaches boosting growth.

Further, women leaders often show resilience and adaptability, essential for navigating a constantly changing business landscape. Their ability to adjust and embrace change helps them guide organizations through uncertain times and drive innovation to meet new trends and challenges.

Despite their remarkable achievements, women leaders often face challenges in the workplace, including gender bias and unequal opportunities for advancement. However, these challenges present opportunities for growth and change. By addressing these challenges and providing support, organizations can unlock the full potential of their female leaders and drive sustainable innovation.

Women will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the world through innovation. Their groundbreaking ideas and inclusive practices set new standards for every industry, create new opportunities, and inspire the next generations. By embracing diversity and supporting women leaders, we can ensure that innovation remains at the forefront of progress and success.

Women leaders are not just participating in the innovation landscape but leading it.


Empathy is one of the most powerful traits in leadership today, and women often excel in this area. Leading with empathy involves understanding the emotions, concerns, and perspectives of others and making decisions that take these feelings into account. It is not just about being kind or sympathetic; it's about connecting with people on a deeper level to create strong, collaborative environments. With their unique life experiences and often heightened emotional intelligence, women naturally develop the ability to lead with empathy.

Leadership is evolving from the traditional model of authority and command to a more inclusive and understanding approach. Empathy is now recognized as a fundamental skill in effective leadership. It improves communication, builds trust, and cultivates a positive work culture. Women, with their tendency to listen more, understand different perspectives, and ensure all voices are heard, play a significant role in this shift.

Women are often credited with higher levels of emotional quotient or EQ, which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Women tend to be more attuned to their emotions and those of others, allowing them to lead with a balanced and thoughtful approach. Leading with EQ means recognizing what needs to be done and how to motivate and inspire people to get it done. Women leaders can read the emotional climate of a room, sense when someone is struggling, and adapt their leadership style accordingly. This adaptability is key to creating a resilient and high-performing team.

Contrary to the misconception that empathy leads to ‘soft’ leadership, it often results in better decision-making. Empathy enables leaders to understand the broader implications of their decisions on their team members, customers, and other stakeholders. Women who lead with empathy are more likely to encourage feedback and promote open communication. This leads to a more informed decision-making process, where leaders can weigh the pros and cons with a deeper understanding of how their choices will impact others.

Trust is a cornerstone of effective leadership, and empathy is one of the most important tools in building that trust. In times of crisis or change, trust becomes even more important. When employees feel understood and valued by their leaders, they are more likely to be loyal, engaged, and committed to their work. Women who lead with empathy create environments where people feel safe to express their ideas, concerns, and emotions. This open and trusting environment leads to higher levels of collaboration, innovation, and overall job satisfaction.

Empathy plays a critical role in fostering inclusion and diversity within organizations. Empathetic leaders, by understanding the experiences of others, are better equipped to advocate for policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion. They can identify and remove barriers that certain groups may face, creating a more inclusive workplace where people from all walks of life can thrive. This leads to a more dynamic and innovative organization, inspiring others to follow suit.

Leaders with empathy become role models for future generations of leaders. By demonstrating that empathy is not a weakness but a strength, they challenge traditional notions of leadership. They show that it is possible to be compassionate, effective, understanding, and decisive. This has a profound impact on the way leadership is perceived and practiced in society.

Leading with empathy has far-reaching effects beyond the workplace. Empathetic leaders are more likely to make decisions that benefit society as a whole. Women who lead with empathy often champion causes related to social justice, equality, and community well-being. Their leadership extends beyond their organization and influences the broader community.

Empathy in leadership also helps to break down societal barriers. When leaders show empathy, they affirm that leadership is not just about power or control but connection, understanding, and support. This has a ripple effect, encouraging others to lead with the same values and fostering a more compassionate society.



Many ask me why, at VFS Capital, our efforts are concentrated on growing women entrepreneurs. Over the next few blogs, I will try to respond to their queries. In this blog, I will focus on the professional business environment. There are many reasons for this, and covering them all may not be possible.

Historically, men have taken leadership roles, but this is rapidly changing. In today’s world, leadership has taken on new definitions. The role of women in leadership is becoming more vital.

One of the most compelling reasons for women to lead from the front is the need for diversity in leadership. Women bring different perspectives, life experiences, insights, and approaches to leadership. When women lead, they can address issues that may not be as visible to their male counterparts. This holistic approach to leadership ensures that decisions are more inclusive.

Women are often recognized for their empathy and emotional intelligence—two qualities that are increasingly valued in leadership. Empathy allows leaders to understand the needs and concerns of their team members, fostering a supportive work environment. Emotional intelligence helps in managing interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. In a world where mental health and well-being are becoming more important, leaders who can connect on an emotional level with their teams are invaluable. Women are often naturally attuned to these needs, making them well-suited for leadership roles requiring high emotional intelligence.

Women leaders are known for driving innovation. They often approach problems with fresh perspectives and are not afraid to challenge the status quo. In rapidly evolving industries, such as finance and technology, innovation is key to staying ahead. The unique viewpoints of women can inspire creativity and breakthroughs. Moreover, women are often more collaborative, which fosters an environment where new ideas can flourish.

Women leading from the front serve as powerful role models for other women and girls. Seeing women in leadership can inspire the next generation to pursue their ambitions without feeling limited by gender stereotypes. This representation is crucial in breaking down barriers that historically kept women out of leadership roles. It also helps to normalize the presence of women in leadership, making it less of an exception and more of a norm. By leading from the front, women can demonstrate that leadership is not about gender but capability and vision. This empowerment can have a ripple effect, encouraging more women to step into leadership roles across various sectors.

Leadership styles vary, and a balanced approach often yields the best results. Women tend to bring a collaborative and inclusive leadership style, contrasting with the more traditional, hierarchical approach often associated with male leadership. This balance is essential in today’s complex and interconnected world. Encouraging women leaders can help their organizations to adapt and thrive in a competitive landscape.


On Teachers’ Day, let us take a moment to honour and reflect on the profound impact that teachers have on our lives. While we often think of schoolteachers when discussing educators, the term “teacher” extends far beyond the classroom. In the entrepreneurship journey, teachers come in many forms, including mentors, colleagues, and even customers. They shape our paths, share their wisdom, and ultimately drive our success. As an entrepreneur, I would like to note the impact of various categories of teachers in my life.

School Teachers: The Foundational Educators

School teachers are the most visible and traditional form of educators. They lay the groundwork for our knowledge and skills, guiding us through fundamental concepts and critical thinking.

For entrepreneurs, school teachers often spark an early interest in subjects which can later become the foundation for business ventures. They challenge students to think differently and solve problems. This early exposure to diverse subjects and problem-solving techniques is crucial for entrepreneurs. The skills learned in the classroom—such as analytical thinking, effective communication, and teamwork—are foundational for running a successful business.

Mentors: Guiding Through Experience

Mentors guide us by sharing their experience and expertise. They offer advice, support, and feedback that can be crucial for entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of starting and growing a business.

Mentors often share valuable insights about industry trends, strategic planning, and leadership. Their guidance helps entrepreneurs avoid common pitfalls and make informed decisions. A mentor’s encouragement and constructive criticism can also boost confidence and drive, making them essential contributors to an entrepreneur’s journey.

Colleagues: Learning Through Collaboration

In the professional world, colleagues can also be powerful teachers. They bring diverse skills and perspectives that teach us new approaches and methods. Collaborating with peers provides opportunities to learn from their experiences, understand their problem-solving techniques, and adopt best practices.

Colleagues often become sources of inspiration and knowledge. Whether it’s a teammate sharing expertise on a specific tool or a co-worker offering insights into customer behaviour, these interactions enrich our understanding and enhance our business acumen. Effective collaboration can lead to innovative solutions and improved business strategies.

Customers: The Real-World Educators

One of the most impactful forms of teaching comes from customers. They provide direct feedback through their interactions with your products or services. Their preferences, complaints, and suggestions offer valuable lessons that can shape and refine our business.

Understanding customer feedback is crucial for any business leader. It helps improve products, enhance customer service, and adapt to market demands. Customers teach us about market trends, user experience, and competitive positioning. This real-world education is vital for staying relevant and achieving long-term success.

Family and Friends: The Supportive Educators

Family and friends also play an essential role. They provide emotional support, encouragement, and practical advice. Their feedback can be invaluable, especially during challenging times.

Entrepreneurs often rely on family and friends for different perspectives and moral support. The lessons learned from these personal relationships can be as significant as any formal education.

While I thank all those who may be listed in the above categories, it is also important to mention that nothing beats self-learning. Learning independently and adapting to new information is a valuable skill. Entrepreneurs often need to acquire new knowledge and skills to stay competitive. It requires discipline and a proactive attitude toward learning. Seek resources, such as books, online courses, and industry reports and embrace continuous learning to innovate and lead effectively.



 My last blog listed a few technology-related challenges that rural entrepreneurs could face while implementing artificial technology solutions in their businesses. However, the roadblocks might also be beyond just technology implementation.

Rural communities may be more resistant to adopting the change. There might be a cultural preference for traditional business methods, with skepticism towards modern technology. Entrepreneurs in these areas might face pushback from their communities when implementing AI solutions, as people may fear job losses or other negative impacts of automation. It might take time to generate awareness and build confidence in the communities. This is very important, as business can never flourish in isolation.

Rural entrepreneurs might also face regulatory challenges when implementing AI solutions. In some regions, there may be unclear or restrictive regulations regarding the use of AI. These typically happen when the person introducing the technology takes shortcuts and uses examples that are easy to use but may not be ethically/legally permitted. A good example is deepfake-generated synthetic media, created using artificial intelligence to portray things or events that have no relation with reality.

Navigating these regulations can be difficult, especially for those unfamiliar with legal and policy frameworks. This uncertainty can discourage entrepreneurs from adopting AI, fearing potential legal repercussions. There is a risk that a few who jump onto the bandwagon may get pulled up by regulatory bodies, causing a blow hard enough to close down the business. One has to be very cautious while implementing such solutions. My advice will be to follow the simple principle of “When in doubt, keep it out.”

Even if rural entrepreneurs successfully implement AI on a small scale, scaling the solutions can be challenging. Rural markets are often limited in size, and expanding beyond these markets may require significant investment and effort. Additionally, scaling AI solutions may require further technical expertise and infrastructure, which can be hard to secure in rural settings, even if funds are available. Many rural entrepreneurs may not fully foresee the benefits they can derive from implementing AI, its potential applications, and its value. Without proper understanding, entrepreneurs may hesitate to invest in AI solutions, fearing they might not see a return on their investment. Measuring the return on investment (RoI) for AI solutions can be complex, especially for businesses in rural areas. The benefits of AI may not be immediately apparent, and calculating the RoI requires an understanding of both the technology and its impact on the business. If entrepreneurs struggle to measure the effectiveness of AI, they might be reluctant to invest further in these technologies.

There may also be concerns about the long-term sustainability of AI solutions. Even if the initial implementation is successful, entrepreneurs might still face challenges in keeping the system updated and running smoothly over time. This concern about sustainability may deter them from adopting AI in the first place. These concerns are multiplied by rural areas often experiencing greater economic and market instability compared to urban areas. Fluctuations in local economies can make it difficult for rural entrepreneurs to commit to long-term investments like AI. The uncertainty of market conditions may lead them to prioritize more immediate and less risky investments over AI, which is perceived as a more uncertain and complex option.

Having listed many roadblocks, I want to clarify that I do not want to discourage rural entrepreneurs from adopting AI-based solutions. In fact, I am confident AI, ML, and robotics are the future of rural businesses. I want to emphasize that before jumping into AI implementation, the entrepreneur should have strategies in place to overcome these hindrances. 

With the right strategies, the potential of AI to transform rural economies can be unlocked, inspiring hope and optimism in both entrepreneurs and their communities.


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